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40 Amazing Hobbies Worth Trying In 2023

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Goodbye, 2022, and welcome, 2023. Now is the perfect time to shake up your routine and try something new. So why not start the new year by taking up a new hobby? In this blog post, we’ll explore a few hobbies to try in 2023 and the top trends in hobbies for the new year. 

From discovering new interests and boosting your creativity to adding excitement and fulfilment to your life, there’s something for everyone on this list. Having hobbies is a splendid way to spend your free time, and in 2023, some trends are likely to emerge as popular choices.

Here are six top trends in hobbies for the new year

  1. DIY and crafting: With the rise of platforms like Pinterest and Etsy, DIY and crafting projects have become more popular than ever. From knitting and crocheting to woodworking and painting, there are countless ways to express your creativity and make something unique.
  2. Gardening: As more people spend time at home, gardening has become a popular hobby for many. Whether you have a green thumb or just starting, gardening provides a sense of accomplishment and connection to nature. Plus, you can grow your fruits and vegetables, which can be a brilliant way to save money and eat healthily.
  3. Cooking and baking: With the popularity of food-related shows and social media, many people are interested in cooking and baking. This hobby can be fun and rewarding, from trying out new recipes to perfecting your own creations. Plus, you get to enjoy the delicious results!
  4. Wellness and self-care: As people become more aware of the importance of mental and physical health, hobbies related to wellness and self-care are on the rise. From practising yoga and meditation to trying out new skincare products and routines, there are many ways to prioritise your well-being.
  5. Virtual hobbies: Due to the pandemic, some people are still turning to virtual hobbies that can be done from their homes. From online gaming to virtual book clubs and fitness classes, to name a few. 
  6. Outdoor activities: As the weather gets warmer and restrictions ease, some people want to spend more time outdoors. Hobbies like hiking, camping, and fishing are becoming more popular as people seek ways to enjoy the great outdoors and connect with nature.

These trends indicate that people are looking for fun and engaging hobbies that help them connect with others or provide a sense of accomplishment. So whether you’re a DIY enthusiast, an outdoor adventurer, or a virtual reality enthusiast, there are plenty of hobbies to try in 2022.


Here are six unique hobbies to try in 2023

  1. Calligraphy: Calligraphy is the art of attractive handwriting and can be a relaxing and satisfying hobby. You can try your hand at creating stunning letters and words with a calligraphy pen and some practice.
  2. Birdwatching: Birdwatching is a great way to connect with nature and learn about the many species of birds in your area. You can start by observing the birds in your backyard or joining a local birdwatching group for more guidance and support.
  3. Geocaching: Geocaching is a treasure-hunting hobby where participants use a GPS device to find hidden “caches” in various locations. It’s a fun and adventurous way to explore new areas and discover hidden treasures.
  4. Astronomy: Astronomy is the study of the cosmos, and it can be a fascinating hobby to explore in 2022. You can start by observing the stars and planets with the naked eye or invest in a telescope for a closer look at the universe’s wonders.
  5. Metal Detection: Metal detecting is a hobby where participants use a metal detector to search for hidden objects, like coins, jewellery, and other treasures. Exploring new areas and potentially discovering valuable or exciting items is fun.
  6. Parkour: Parkour is a physical discipline where participants move through their environment by running, jumping, and climbing creatively and efficiently. It’s a fun and challenging way to stay active and explore your surroundings.

Ten inexpensive hobbies

  • Reading.
  • Writing.
  • Drawing or painting.
  • Photography.
  • Gardening.
  • Cooking or baking.
  • Knitting or crocheting.
  • Birdwatching.
  • Collecting stamps
  • Hiking or walking.

yachting hobby


Ten expensive hobbies

  • Yachting.
  • Private aviation.
  • Collecting luxury cars.
  • Travelling to exotic destinations.
  • Horseback riding.
  • Golfing.
  • Skiing or snowboarding.
  • Scuba diving.
  • Rock climbing.
  • Skydiving or other extreme sports.

Ten family hobbies

  • Board games or card games.
  • Cooking or baking together.
  • Gardening.
  • Camping or hiking.
  • Photography.
  • Sports or outdoor activities.
  • Painting or drawing.
  • Movie nights.
  • Scavenger hunts or treasure hunts.
  • Biking or bike rides.

Ten hobbies you have with friends or strangers

  • Playing team sports like soccer or basketball.
  • Going to fitness classes or the gym together.
  • Joining a book club or reading group.
  • Taking part in a hobby or interest group, like a hiking club or a painting class.
  • Playing board games or card games with strangers or friends at a café or bar.
  • Going to concerts or music festivals.
  • Travelling together to explore new places and cultures.
  • Joining a volunteer group or community service project.
  • Playing multiplayer video games online with friends or strangers.
  • Attending meet-ups or events through meet-ups or kumele related to a shared interest, like craft beer tasting or stand-up comedy shows.

Popular Questions Answered


What hobby means?

A hobby is an activity someone does for enjoyment, typically during leisure time rather than as their primary occupation. People have hobbies for many reasons, such as relaxing, learning new skills, meeting new people, or doing something that makes them happy. Some common hobbies include reading, writing, gardening, sports, travelling, cooking, and playing musical instruments.

Why is it called a hobby?

The word “hobby” is thought to have originated in the 17th century and is derived from the word “hobyn,” which meant a small, reliable horse that was used for leisure activities. The term was later used to indicate any activity that was done for enjoyment during leisure time. Over time, the word “hobby” came to be used more broadly to describe any activity or interest done for fun during one’s leisure time.

Who is a hobbyist?

A hobbyist is anyone who engages in a specific activity or pursuit for enjoyment or relaxation rather than for financial benefit or as a profession. Hobbyists often have a deep interest in their hobby and may spend significant time and effort practising, learning, and improving their skills. Hobbies can be diverse and range from creative pursuits such as painting or writing, to physical activities such as sports or dancing, to more intellectual pursuits such as reading or chess.

Engaging in hobbies can provide a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment, as well as a way to relax and unwind from the stresses of daily life. They can also offer the opportunity to connect with others with similar interests and build strong social connections.

What is the weirdest hobby?

It’s difficult to say what the weirdest hobby is, as hobbies are subjective, and what one person finds strange or unusual may be perfectly normal to someone else. Some hobbies that might be considered unusual by some people include taxidermy, collecting unusual objects (such as belly button lint or teapots), and competitive rock balancing. Ultimately, what makes a hobby weird is a matter of perspective and personal preferences.

How do hobbies help with mental health?

Hobbies can help mental health by providing a sense of accomplishment, a break from daily stressors, and a way to engage in enjoyable activities that bring a sense of relaxation. They can also provide a sense of purpose and meaning and help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Additionally, hobbies that involve physical activity or social interaction can have additional mental health benefits by releasing endorphins and providing opportunities for social connection.


In summary, hobbies provide a sense of enjoyment and fulfilment and can help reduce stress and improve mental and physical health. There are many different hobbies to try, ranging from inexpensive to expensive. Some hobbies can be done individually, while others can be enjoyed with family and friends. By trying out new hobbies, you can discover new interests and talents and enrich your life in new and exciting ways. Thank you for coming this far. You may also like our blog on The Best 12 Hobby Meetup Apps You don’t Want To Miss In 2023

Today is life – the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.” 

~ Dale Carnegie


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